Cyber-Physical Systems – CPS

CPS system integrates physical and computational components for monitoring and controlling physical processes. CPS is a collection of computing devices communicating with one another and interacting with the physical world, via a network of sensors and actuators in a feedback loop.

Some Features

Reactive/Proactive Computation: reactive systems, that continuously interacts with the environment (includes or not people) through input and output. Nevertheless, we can consider that a CPS also includes proactive aspects, such as monitoring anomaly events in CPS contexts. Proactive CPS reacts before an undesirable event occurs, that is, reacts without the event input;

Connectivity: network is the basis of the connection between the cyber and physical world;

Reliability: to ensure safe and effective operations in the dynamic environments, reliability is indispensable;

Concurrency: CPS can require simultaneous executions of multiple tasks or processes in a coordinated manner;

Real-time Computing: CPS aspects can demand real-time computation for dynamic decision-making;

Safe-critical Applications: There are CPS domains, wherein the safe requirements are priorities over the rest of CPS requirements.

CPS Applications

Agriculture, Aeronautics, Healthcare, infrastructure, Manufacturing, Transportation, Autonomous Vehicles (boats, ships, cars, …).